There has been a lot going on since my last post on this blog. I've got my visa (yay!), I've resigned at work (yay?), I've befriended the most adorable cat right before leaving Huntsville (aw, yay), and I'm beginning to think about packing up said apartment. I'll be moving in with my parents (poor souls) for a couple of weeks before setting off for Leeds September 15th.
It's all happening rather quickly, which is why I haven't exactly remembered to write a blog post.
However, I'm still quite excited (or, as Boyfriend puts it, eggcited) about everything, and the standard anxiety is setting in about becoming a graduate student five years after college and working in the "real world" (which is a phrase of which I'm not too terribly fond). It's not a bad anxiety, per se--just normal anxiety about doing something new and telling regular students to get off my lawn.
I'm hemming and hawing about possibly doing some videos for this blog, purely to show you the places I go. (So, none of me, but just of places.) I don't know if that will happen, so let me know if that would be something you'd like to see when I travel. It's 2014--we have the technology! It's also scary to have that kind of power.
Anyway, I'm about to get ready to enjoy a sunny Saturday in Huntsville. I only have a couple of Saturdays left until I move! I'll try to remember to update this blog a bit more, now that I have some free time. 'Til then.
Videos? Yes please!