Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Obligatory Pre-Trip Post

It was almost warm enough today to not wear a jacket. Almost. Spring. Come. Now.

The week tends to fly by when you're not completely ready for something, and that is what has happened this go-round. I'm quite excited about my Easter break, which starts tomorrow afternoon: Maryle and I will head over to Hamburg and perhaps walk around while we wait for our flight to Gatwick airport, where my English relatives will be waiting for us. This is possibly the most exciting aspect of the trip, to me, as I've never met my English relatives, save for when I was very young--too young to remember. They are very kindly offering space for the two of us traveling Cellers until Monday, so I intend to spend my time to the fullest getting to know everyone.

After our stay in Hassocks, Maryle and I will then fly to Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, and Stuttgart, spending around two and a half days in each city. I'm a bit nervous about staying in the first three cities, honestly, as I don't speak Portuguese nor Spanish, and we are on our own. Still, the excitement outweighs the nervousness, and I'm pretty much convinced that things will go well. If anything, Maryle and I will get to see the beautiful architecture and culture that is the Mediterranean. We should be back in Celle by April 3rd.

Because of the long break and the many places we'll see, I'm going to try my best to not wait until the trip's end to update this blog. I should have Internet access at the places where I'm staying (providing that my Internet stick works in these areas and does not get stolen), so that shouldn't be too hard. (presses thumbs) Oh, what's that, you say? Pictures? Hell, yes. Those will be posted, too.

Anyway, almost everything is in order. I need to finish packing, send out a few emails, withdraw some money, check in online with the flights, take out the trash, and charge the electronics that I'm taking with me, but those won't take too long. Hooray for actually being responsible.

Though the week has passed by very quickly, it has been enjoyable. 2a once again made my day today, and as I was acting as the substitute (Frau Doehrmann has taken some students from the fourth grade on a class trip to Meudon, France), they behaved themselves rather well. I had prepared a bingo game for them in the form of the animals from The Mitten, which was fun, if loud.

Dylan: (in his very English accent) "Are you from the United States?"
Me: "Why, yes; I am."
Dylan: (nodding very self-satisfactorily) "That's what I thought. Did you know that there are more people in Washington D.C. than in Berlin?" (Which then starts another one of Dylan's Ramblings.)

These children are also very clingy. Or, perhaps I'm just a kid magnet. So many hugs today... Unbelievable.

One more class, and then Osterferien.

1 comment:

  1. I wish our school breaks were more like German school breaks. I always wanted their breaks when I was waiting for der Bus and they were all running around playing :P Although, they probably wished they had our summer break.
